Jun 26Liked by John Arcto

And again: Look to Denmark and the Danish Peoples Party. They combined popular (and really common sense) social policies with a radical agenda on immigration, as well as striking the beast right in the heart with their rejection of “experts” and the whole deep state apparatus.

This was years before Trump. And it was popular.

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There are a couple errors in the initial analysis here. First of all if someone is a conservative then they have to defend what their conserving on every front. However, the people that wish to advocate for a given change only have to attack on one front. Any military historian will tell you that the defending side almost always loses in that case.

Similarly the person who is trying to make a society change is all super excited about the change they’re trying to make. The person who wishes for the society to remain as it has been simply wishes to continue to live their life.

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Well exactly, it's why we're not 'conservatives' as we don't want to 'conserve' the status quo of Wokeism, we are 'progressives' that desire radical change.

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Appreciate both the call-to-arms and also the lengthy and detailed list of concrete actions. Thank you, and keep going!

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Despite not being a Marxist, literally the opposite, I gotta say it would behoove us to learn from the left.

The Bolsheviks were a tiny minority party who won power by organizing and more importantly: NOT compromising, except for when circumstances called for temporary retreats. (Hi NEPmen!)

We can likewise learn from the Lefts march through the institutions, their very successful LGBT degeneracy campaign, and most recently in the UK: Corbin. A bunch of far left, trotskyites actually managed to take over the party and came within inches of power. Only a massive campaign by the usual suspects and the entire establishment managed to prevent it. And one could argue that Corbin’s missteps allowed them to.

What did Corbin have in common with Lenin? A lack of compromising, and being the real deal. Authenticity.

When someone says: “Yes immigration is a problem but…” people are smart enough to realize they’re being sold a smoke show.

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'What did Corbin have in common with Lenin? A lack of compromising, and being the real deal. Authenticity.'

Corbyn was nothing like Lenin. He lacked the killer instinct to remove the Blairites from his party, and they did everything they could to subvert and undermine him.

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Which is why I point out that Corbin ultimately lay the groundwork for his defeat.

And no: Corbin was no Lenin. But both men had an authenticity and an uncompromising attitude to the greater goal. “Yes, what of it?” Lenin used to scoff when confronted with the fact that he himself was a noble. In the same way that Corbin only rarely groveled and beat his chest for the media when “confronted” with supporting Hezbollah, etc.

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Hey I saw a video of that bothered me could you respond to this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1aZDrVTLJtE

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This one came at the right time for me today. I live in Chicago and our Pride Parade is today. I happen to live right at one of the main entry points of the pride parade. I was out walking around this afternoon as I usually do on Sunday and I happened to walk right past a group of about 10 young women who were shirtless. Literally boobies flopping around in the bright sunshine. Free the nipple kind of thing.

You know what. Good for them. There is nothing on the right wing even close to competing with that. I am fine with girls walking around half naked if that's what they want to do but the question is... could the right wing ever come up with something as electrifying as that to motivate their base? Probably not.

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Well let’s fucking try.

I guarantee we can be more inspiring than those sick degenerates.

Girls are flaunting their boobs? Well their ideology encourages young women to chop them off. They are evil, plain and simple.

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Not to twist the knife here but you don't believe in god so the question has to be: why would offending your ideas of norms matter? Do you think there is something about your particular time and place that has given you a unique insight into norms where offending them has some deep significance? For example you can get drunk, bang a girl you have hardly spoken to, and feel nothing all that bad has happened but a woman walking around naked in public with a leather daddy wearing a leash is now all the sudden something you have qualms about that should be taken seriously. This Victorian morality you are struggling with simply does not make sense sir.

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You’re living in a different world if you can just sleep with any attractive woman you’ve met.

I’ll probably have comments like this used to attack my character however.

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They were all white women too by the way. Half naked women feeling incredibly empowered walking around in broad daylight with their hooters out for the world to see. There is just something so compelling about the leftist world that it will get young women to walk around half naked like that. I just don't understand it but then I do. There is a sense of liberation that the right simply cannot compete with.

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I’m not really a fan of black-pillers.

If they really thought they were invincible, why would they need to censor us?

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And yes I am sure next year they wont even be wear pants. It never ends.

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There’s Patriotic Alternative.

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The stuff about leftists caring more is a myth. Joseph Bronski looked into this empirically and both wings are equally apathetic towards politics. Leftists just have the powerful on their side. Even when they were the underdogs, they had much more powerful sympathizers than any of us do.

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Okay, and what utility does that talking point bring?

Your black-pilling is poisonous and unwelcome. We’re demoralised enough by our enemies, we don’t need supposed ‘friends’ to join in.

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Giving us a more accurate view of reality? The fact that leftists are demoralized too is a good thing and important thing to keep in mind. You should know your enemy.

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I’m sick of black-pilled doomerism posing as ‘realism’.

The most realist strategy is giving people hope and something to believe in.

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I wanna give people hope too. But if you go around telling people it's as easy as getting a little bit more involved, they'll get demoralized when that ends not being the case. People need to get a whole lot more involved in political change if there is going to be any progress.

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I don’t think I said here that people need to just ‘get more involved’.

It requires an organised strategy.

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Good stuff as ever.

On the point of Tufton Street/Project 2025, it's important to recognise that in the US there are direct political appointments to their civil service. Here, all we have are Special Advisers, who don't really have clear powers and responsibilities, they are just their to assist, so a British Project 2025, wouldn't work unless substantial civil service reform was part of the plan.

As for the Tufton Street aspect, the term is somewhat misleading but essentially refers to all working for, or having worked for, a right wing economic think tank. Although the TaxPayers' Alliance and NCF share a building, beyond friendly pints on occasion it doesn't go much further than that. Links between the economic think tanks, however, are more substantial. A job in one of these organisations can be a reliable route to becoming a Special Adviser (SpAd) and there are existing casual ways this is facilitated, but nothing more than that. And then you have to bare in mind that of those economic organisations, the IEA is a hopeless talking shop, the ASI only cares about free market absolutism and the CPS is essentially the Tories own private think tank (although it must be said their pivot against immigration recently has been admirable and a certain researcher there deserves a lot of credit for that) same for Policy Exchange. The TPA is the only decent organisation out of the bunch.

The remaining think tanks generally only have 2-3 members of staff.

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Don’t worry, Civil Service Reform is part of the plan.

But though Project 2025 operates on a system with far more political appointees, it seeks to expand them. We need to do the same.

Thanks for the comment.

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Did you mean New Culture Forum was the best of the bunch, or did you mean Taxpayers Alliance?

I don’t entirely trust NCF due to it being lead by homosexuals, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.

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TPA is the best of the economic ones. I like the NCF chaps, all very friendly, but they've always come across as very pretend public school which rubs the wrong way a bit. All credit to them for Locals though.

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What’s good about TPA exactly, compared to the others?

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Well, their grassroots/campaigning component means they do have a link to actual day to day events. I.e. they aren't just whining about theory but are more grounded, and that is frequently reflected in terms of who they hire and the policies they focus on.

Not to say they are perfect mind.

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“and should emphasise that our vision is ‘National Socialist Democracy’.”

Fixed that for ya!

Jokes aside, the zoomers and the younger generations are key. Those who are teenagers now?

AI will change the world and prevent many of them from ever working a meaningful job. Accountants, middle managers, cultural and marketing jobs will all disappear to at least some extent.

A generation of capable men, losing the ability to work their dream job, or at all, is certainly pure coke and gasoline straight into the furnace of the revolutionary steam engine.

The powers that be will try to divert them into apathy and porn. We need to organize to prevent that.

Be bold, be optimistic. An army of young men who need purpose and a cause, faith in something more than consumption, will be out there. Ready, in many cases eager to be radicalized and serve as a revolutionary vanguard. And change the world.

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White Rage Party!!!🌲💀💣☠️💣💀🌲

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Yep! I think Whites are quite justifiably angry.

But I understand why you wouldn't be scared of that, you don't have any precedent.

And for the record, I 100% condemn terrorism. If anything, it's extremely ineffective and leads to government crackdowns.

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Really good article. Keep it up.

I was wondering, since you did a series analyzing the different factions of the right, would you be willing to do one for the left? No pressure, just wondering.

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It's an interesting idea, but 'Intersectionality' basically means they're all tied together. The differences are only differences of emphasis.

The 'Old Left' is irrelevant at this point. You're more likely to find Old Left types among the British Postliberals, Catholic New Dealers, and National Developmentalists.

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Okay yeah, you're right. Peace

P.S. I have a Substack now and a few articles out.

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