Your description of the dissident right really suggests it as a very nascent faction.

It reads like: Over here we have a Jewish Elite technocrat that thinks he is a dark elf and wants the world to be formalized. And over here is a bunch of guys who are obsessed with being super buff. And over here is a hyper-intelligent man who hates technology so much that he sends bombs to random people in the mail. And here is a doom-mongering British guy who is obsessed with the hand gestures of a British Politician from the 90s who he believes is the dark lord. And over here we have some very dedicated traditional Catholics.

In any other time, you would never categorize these people in the same group, but here we are. The political gimbals really have changed.

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I listened to a lecture by Thiel recently where he mentions BAP and it surprised me. Never realized how big of an influence he had thru Claremont and others. I think there is a lot of overlap. I’ve been reading into your takes on Techno-Optomism and what I can only call the “Secular Right” and I think we agree on a lot of things. Very well done sir.

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Good post. It's really hard categorizing the dissident right because there are just so much intellectual diversity. I'd say you covered the major categories. I wonder where someone like Nick Land would fit? I guess he is neoreactionary though he's also kind of tech right.

Also, a lot of the more spiritualized, esoteric traditionalists seem to deserve their own category. Very interesting channel I found that I've been following for a while is called "formscapes." I've never heard anyone in these circles talk about him but he's quite fascinating. The guy has his own philosophy that draws on a bunch of different stuff. He mostly talks about metaphysics, religion, history, and science, but he also talks quite a bit about politics. I guess I'd best describe him as "esoteric traditionalist socialism with new-ageish characteristics." There's so many examples of this kind of thing that I kind of lose track. It's all what AA would call school of woo but kind of bleeds into school of schizo. Can't quite place it really. It's basically "spiritualized traditionalist neo-luddite conspiracism" but usually places a lot less emphasis on elite control and manipulation of everything and more on spiritual forces at work. I suppose Jason Reza Jorjani, followers of traditionalists like Evola, and some like Jonathan Pageau and the channel Europos would fit here. Though all of these guys are religiously at each-other's throats they share the same kind of spiritual analysis of history that touches on dark forces at work in modernity. Incidentally Rudyard Lynch probably belongs here as well these days, especially with some of his more recent stuff echoing the themes of this group quite closely.

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I used to love Whatifalthist, he taught me a hell of a lot. People bullied him relentlessly for his voice and appearance, and of course his anti-Woke opinions which the Woke would always consider 'misinformed', but most of what he said was just pointing out well-researched historical data.

But it's sad to have watched him degrade into absolute insanity.

He did come across as very arrogant in many videos, I think to deflect from his image as the 'history nerd', and for a while I thought 'okay, well, he's earned his right to boast a bit', but then when he tried so hard to get away from his nerdy autistic image, with those ridiculous pictures of him in a leather jacket and talking about his 'society for exceptional young people', I thought... 'okay, I'm not sure how much of this is true'. And then his recent comments about being a mystic confirmed he'd gone completely off the rails.

He should've just leant in to his persona as the 'autistic nerdy history guy'. Anyway, I hope he gets the psychological help he so desperately needs.

I'll check out formscapes.

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Ya he definitely had either a drug-induced mental psychosis or a severe lapse in judgement.

I don't think he needs psychological help so much as just self-reflection to understand how he's destroying his own reputation due to pride with antics like his recent monolog. Although it was pretty funny to watch.

I don't necessarily dislike his bent towards mysticism but I think his narcissism is screwing him over. Narcissism and mysticism are a bad mix.

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I love the right is becoming more environmentally conscious, that was and still is a big issue for me with the mainstream right

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I'd like it to be more. Climate change denial is still very mainstream within it.

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This is at least in part a reaction to the utter insanity of the Left's eco-fascist, Gaia-worshiping, genocidally anti-human version of environmentalism that dominates all discourse around the issue. It also is a reflection of the deplorable state of what constitutes mainstream "climate science" which is unreliable at best and propaganda at worst.

Not saying the Right shouldn't take the issue more seriously, but it's important to at least give credit to where the position comes from.

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Oh I’m aware and it makes me angry but it’s progress non the less, I suspect the younger generation will continue to gravitate towards Ted, I’d also like if Neil postman and pentti Linkola became more mainstream

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I agree that GMO’S are not necessarily bad, but there’s a lot of slop with modern food and I don’t think it would hurt if they put labels on food containers. Just my two cents. Peace ✌🏻

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In this house Columbus, Nietzsche, Alcibiades, Kaczynski, Hitler, Charlemagne, Caesar, Baldwin IV, Christ, Ford, Lee, and Mishima are heroes, end of story!

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Alcibiades was a complete maniac! Your heroes are scoundrels, what don't I know?

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I love that out of that list it is Alcibiades you singled out as a bad man.

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Lol. He kept having affairs with the wives of each ruler but managed to charm at least 4 separate civilizations. The ultimate chameleon. Then you have good old Uncle Ted. Have a heart.

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Capital work once more

No BAP-swarm commenting here? I would correct some minor mischaracterisations, but pedantry is but one letter distant from peasantry (if you aristocratically mis-spell one or the other, as Alcibiades would) so never mind.

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What are those mischaracterisations?

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I don't see any evidence that BAP is a homosexual. Perceiving admiration of the male form as necessarily homosexual is precisely the kind of thing that he inveighs against (it's a trick to bring you into client relationship with the longhouse and whatnot).

"BAP puts forward the narrative that women have almost always controlled society behind the scenes, with Ancient Greece and the Enlightenment-era West."

I think this is at least partially wrong. Ancient Greek poleis were great precisely because they were *not* longhoused, though admittedly he seems to think that great men were necessary to break the veil of sclerotic nomos and bring renewal of Indo-European ethos of freedom and careless aristocratic violence--the only path to excellence.

Broadly speaking: grain enjoyers = longhoused; pastoralists = discoverers of physis and breeding, and pursuers of conquest.

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> I think this is at least partially wrong. Ancient Greek poleis were great precisely because they were *not* longhoused

This was a typo which I have since fixed. I meant that those were some of the few exceptions according to BAP.

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aha ok no problem

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You forgot to mention how funny BAPs Twitter/X account can be. It’s one of his best attributes.

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Yes yes xe very funny east bloc men

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The classic preppers came first. A call for Monarchy was not invented by Yarvin but the corruptibility of democracy with technology just might be too high.

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Taxonomy isn't a scientific field, you know.

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We are legion 🐸

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Where’s Apolloism?

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this one is pretty good too

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Yeah, though I think objectively mine is better than AA's, because it's got more factions and excludes less people for 'not being truly on the right'.

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lol i actually didnt read the article before posting that comment , didnt know u knew him

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Where do philosophically pessimist blackpillers who think this world is controlled by the Demiurge and otherwise believe the core problems are Christian-derived egalitarianism with a superimposed parasitical worldwide Rothschild/Jewish central banking system belong? And who think the answer is a gnostic, spiritual, individuated turn within? :)

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Lol. That's all of them.

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Excellent! I learned a bit. Thank you.

I thought it was Carl Benjamin who popularized 'sensible centrist'. Possibly I heard it from him first, or I could be mistaken.

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The populists are certainly not anti-democracy. And that would seem to incorporate someone like Keith Woods. The idea that elites are thwarting the will of the people and are entirely too International.

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I don't think BAP is ghey he just promotes idolization of The Brotherhood on "Handsome Thursdays"

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The Brotherhood of sexy ripped bodybuilders oiled up and copulating with large breasted anime girls to produce a new caste of higher organisms, yes.

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